About Us
Petro Farayand Alvand Engineering Management Company was established in 2004. The management of this company has always tried to increase the quality and improve the services with creativity, continuous effort, using the latest knowledge in the world, the best materials with high technical ability. This company with more than 17 years of continuous activity and benefiting from the best Iranian engineers working in the field of corrosion, earthing system and lightning protection in the form of EPC is as follows:
- Design, production, supply and implementation of cathodic and anodic protection systems in order to minimize external corrosion of various metal equipment
- ...
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Corrosion is one of the main causes of failure and premature failure of metal structures. Petro faraynd Alvand Company, with the support of years of experience in designing and installing cathodic protection systems by using injection current as well as sacrificial anodes, has been able to increase the life of underground pipes, tanks and other equipment. These structures include:
- Underground transmission pipelines
- Above Ground storage tanks
- Underground storage tanks
- Marine transmission pipes
- Cathodic protection of ships and vessels
- Oil and gas wells
- Columns, Piles, piers and offshore structures
- TBS and CGS Gas stations
- Concrete structures
- Cathodic protection of water storage tanks
Anodic Protection
One of the techniques used in industry to control corrosion using electrochemicals is anodic protection. This is an effective way to control the corrosion of metals that can be passive.
Anodic protection can be mentioned as an advanced and effective methods to prevent corrosion of metals and alloys. This method is especially used in refinery tanks and pipes, petrochemical industries and sulfuric acid related industries. In anodic protection, the metal is partially corroded and eventually a protective layer of superoxide is formed on its surface. Therefore, when a passive layer is formed, the metal will be protected against corrosion by forming a protective layer. The header of this method is very low after the formation of the protective layer of corrosion speed in the environment, which can be reduced up to one hundred thousand times.
Earth rod and accessories
Available Earth rods in the market are include:
- Copperbond rod
- Copper earth rod
- Stainless steel Earth rod
The use of Copper bond earth rod in the earthing system is very effective and economical, and in a way, this rod is considered ideal for the earthing system.
The company supplies products used in the oil, gas, petrochemical, power plant and water treatment industries, which will play an important role in reducing costs and risk of corrosion. Corrosion monitoring and monitoring devices that can be provided by this company are:
- Corrosion coupons
- Corrosion probes
- 2-inch access fittings
- Corrosion coupon holder
- Retriever and service valve
- Transmitter
Corrosion inhibitor is a chemical or combination of substances that, when added to the corrosive Environment in very low concentrations, effectively reduces or prevents the corrosion rate of the metal without changing the environment. Corrosion inhibitors can be solid, liquid or gaseous and can be used in solid environments such as concrete and organic coatings, liquid environments such as water and organic solvents or in gaseous environments such as atmosphere or water vapor. Corrosion inhibitors are selected based on the solubility or dispersion in the fluid in which the inhibitor action is to be performed.
Some of Our Projects
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