Earthing and lightning protection
Earth rod and accessories
Available Earth rods in the market are include:
- Copperbond rod
- Copper earth rod
- Stainless steel Earth rod
The use of Copper bond earth rod in the earthing system is very effective and economical, and in a way, this rod is considered ideal for the earthing system. To produce this type of rods, the steel core is first acid-washed, deoxidized and degreased, and then pure copper with a purity of over 99.5% and high adhesion to the steel core is deposited. The advantages of this method can be the lack of water penetration between the steel and copper layers pointed out that it makes the steel core completely healthy over time. Also due to the oxidation of the steel core and the absence of fat between the layers, there is an extraordinary mechanical and electrical connection between the steel core and copper is established. The use of this type of rod is common in rocky and hard soils.
Pure copper copper rods with grade C102 are produced according to the standard BS 2874. These rods are used in parts that need corrosion resistance and long life and soils whose pH is below 3 or above 8. To obtain more lengths, the company connect several Earth rods with stainless steel coupling dowels. For easy hammering and to prevent damage to the earth rod threads, you can use the threaded driving head that made of high strength steel. Because of galvanic cells formation, due to the burial of dissimilar metals in close proximity to each other, Stainless steel rod is used. Wires that made of copper or copper coated, due to the heterogeneity, form a galvanic cell and causes corrosion of the structure. Therefore, the best option is to use this type of rods, which are made of stainless steel with grades 304 and 316 according to standard BS970. These rods have a long life and good corrosion resistance in soils with a pH of less than 3 or higher than 8.

In earthing systems, clamps have the role of holding or connecting. Using clamps, various types of belts or wires can be fixed in their proper place and a suitable connection can be provided to establish an electric current. It can be made of different metals, but generally these clamps are made of brass, in addition to the quality of materials used. Proper design for these clamps is one of the important factors in the production of this product. The best way to produce earth clamps is to use the Forging method instead of casting.

Earth Pit
In accordance with the standards related to the earthing system, it should be possible to periodically visit and inspect the system. Therefore, to provide such a possibility, earth Pits or visit valves are used. These Pits are designed in such a way that they have the ability to install copper glass so that it can be used to bond the earthing system and on the other hand, enable the necessary measurements for the inspector.
All types of earth Pits:
- Concrete earth Pits,
- Polyethylene earth Pits

Lattice Copper earth plate
The earth plate is commonly used in earth wells and as a conductor of electricity can transmit electricity to the ground. In fact, the extra electric current is taken from the electronic devices and transmitted to the ground through the copper wire and finally the earth plate, thus avoiding the risk of electric shock and damage to people and the electrical device.

Copper straps
Copper belt is one of the most widely used electrical conductors in the earthing industry and lightning protection. Excellent electrical and thermal conductivity is one of the features of this product, which has led to its widespread use in earthing systems.
The flexibility of copper belts has caused that in case of bending, there are no cracks and fractures in the bending place. In industry, copper rolls and belts are used in boards and transmission conductors. In earthing and lightning arresting system, these belts are used as descending conductors or earth conductors.

Low Ohm Materials
In order to protect the lives of employees and protect equipment and prevent malfunctions of devices against voltages caused by lightning, short circuit and etc, it is necessary to connect the metal body of all devices, masts and even metals in an industrial environment to the Earthing system, which transmits electricity to the ground with the lowest impedance. In previous years, coal and salt were used to reduce the ground resistance, which caused severe corrosion of the joints and the system broke down after a few years.
After that bentonite was used, this is also not recommended according to the standards of IEEE 80-2000, BS7430 and IUT-T because bentonite was separated from the electrode during the dry months of the year and increased resistance. According to standard IEEE 80-2000, the use of low ohm materials is recommended for grounds with high specific resistivity.

wire and cable
One of the most widely used conductors that used today in the earthing and lightning protection industry is bare copper wire and cable with yellow and green coating.
Copper wires supplied by this company are in different sizes with a purity of 99.5% and in accordance with BS 7884 standard. These wires are available in coils (low lengths) or Cable Reels (high lengths) and in different sizes.
Copper earth cable in different sizes, with 99.5% copper, PVC coating and in accordance with IEC60227 standard is supplied by this company. These cables are available in coils (low lengths) or Cable Reels (high lengths) and in different sizes.

Exothermic Welding
In this welding method, a powder consisting of copper oxide, aluminum and special catalysts are used. It is possible to perform this welding inside graphite chambers and these molds are made of high quality graphite and resistant to high heat shock in different models. The following must be observed during welding:
- For removing moisture conductors must be Preheated well before welding
- Pre-heat the mold to about 130 degrees before the welding.
- After the three consecutive welds steps, stop the welding operation for 10 minutes to cool the mold.
- The mold must be completely cooled for the next weld.
- The mold for the next weld must be thoroughly cleaned.
The powders of this company connect all sections of copper to copper and copper to iron with different shapes.

Lightning rod and accessories
Among the equipment used to absorb lightning on equipment and buildings are rod lightning arresters. These lightning arresters usually have a very small coverage radius of about 5 to 13 meters and are usually used to protect low-radius zones. They are used in cases such as petrochemical sites and production of employment-generating materials, slums for employable materials, bases for storing fuel and chemicals, etc., in which any spark causes fire and explosion from a rod lightning rod. Is used.